Zapier Integration

Connect Senta and Zapier together to connect over 2000 apps to your Senta workspace.

Find out how Senta and Zapier work for your practice

Use Senta and Zapier together to connect to 2000+ apps and automate large parts of your processes, including maintaining multiple databases of client information.

Read our guides to find out more.


Automate even more workflows by connecting over 2000+ apps with Senta.

Trigger new tasks

Trigger an event so it starts a zap.

Lead management

Create a series of zaps that automate lead management and onboarding.

zapier screenshot of fb zap

About Zapier

Zapier is a global remote company that allows users to integrate the web applications they use with other systems.

  • Integrate – Link your web apps with a few clicks, so they can share data.
  • AutomatePass info between your apps with workflows called zaps.
  • Innovate – Build processes faster and get more done – no code required.
About Zapier