The Senta and GoProposal integration is one of our most popular features. You can automatically trigger workflows and update contact details when a proposal is accepted. It’s a great client experience.
Connect each Proposal Type in GoProposal to multiple onboarding processes in Senta. So when that Proposal Type is accepted, those processes are triggered.
Connect each Line Item in GoProposal to a workflow in Senta. If that Line Item is included in the proposal, when it’s accepted, the workflow is triggered.
Pull existing contacts from Senta or create new contacts via GoProposal. Our two-way integration keeps data accurate, removes any duplication or the need for Zapier.
GoProposal gives you the control to create a consistent pricing system, which can be easily used across all clients and by all staff.
Confidently charge what you’re really worth
GoProposal gives you the control to create a consistent pricing system, which can be easily used across all clients and by all staff.
Create professional proposals & renewals in real time
GoProposal gives you the power to consistently produce highly professional proposals and renewals, instantly and effortlessly, which fully reflect the value of the work you do.
Automatically generate the most sophisticated engagement letters
Accurately produce engagement letters that can be sent signed and returned electronically within one system.
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