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Does Senta have an inbuilt CRM system?

Yes – and you can email and text your clients on both an ad hoc basis and set up automated messages as part of a job. Not only that, but it also connects with existing email systems, so your data is all in one place. You can also so bulk email to your clients as part of any marketing campaigns. Find out more here. 

Can I upload my client data directly to Senta?

Uploading your client data is one of the first things you do when using Senta. You can also import client data from integration partners like Xero, Quickbooks and Companies House. It’s really easy – take a look at our how-to guide here.

Can I store my customers’ documents on the site?

Absolutely – and there are no limits to the storage available. You can then share with clients and search all available documents as required. Clients can also share their incoming documents with you via the client portal. Read more here.

Can I text my customers from Senta?

Yes – you can send one-off ad hoc reminders or automate them as part of a task within a job. The text messages come from a no-response number and there are no additional charges for text messages. Read more here

Can I email my customers directly from Senta?

You sure can. Whether it’s bulk emails to groups of clients or one-offs to specific people all your emails will be recorded against that client file. You can also set up automatic email tasks using customised email templates as the ultimate time-saver for endless daily emails. Read more here

Can I customise Senta to the way my practice runs?

Absolutely. You can customise forms, jobs, services and admin functions and even the inbuilt things like drop-down lists, client forms and contact forms.